Think about life insurance sooner rather than later
If you're in your 20s or 30s and are taking the time to read this article, you're a forward-thinker. According to the life insurance industry...
Haven’t Done A Will Yet?
You’ve got company. Neither have 6 in 10 U.S. adults You can hire a professional to write your will, or you can do it yourself. Preparing for the...
Building an Emergency Fund
Everyone should aim to have a cash reserve. We all would love to have a little extra cash on hand for emergencies. Saving up that cash can be a...
Focus! Ben Franklin understood that magnification would help make images bigger. He improved on glasses of the day by splitting the lens into two...
How Boomer Women Can Worry Less About Money
When it comes to money, what keeps women up at night? Northwestern Mutual’s 2016 Planning & Progress study reveals 87% of women feel anxious...
Here Are Americans’ Greatest Retirement Fears — and How to Fix Them
Worried about the future? Here's how to alleviate some of those concerns. When it comes to retirement, a large number of Americans have reason to...
New Rule, Nicer Returns
Could the new fiduciary rule effectively enhance portfolio performance for retirement savers? A change is coming. The Department of Labor is...
How Can LTC Insurance Help You Protect Your Assets?
Plan to create a pool of healthcare dollars that you can use when the time comes. How will you pay for long-term care? At the moment, you may not be...
Retirees Are Racking Up Credit Card Debt
New statistics point out an alarming financial problem. $6,876. That is the average amount of credit card debt owed by an American household headed...
Updating Your Estate Plan
When should you review it? What should you review? An estate plan has three objectives. The first goal is to preserve your accumulated wealth. The...
Using an IRA Trust
Seemingly everyone has heard of an IRA, but few people know about IRA trusts. Perhaps more people should, for an IRA trust may provide a way to...
What the Happiest Retirees Have in Common
The happiest retirees have learned this lesson It’s all the rage now. You’re supposed to find, follow and live your passion. I’m one of those who...
Contributing to an IRA May Provide Tax Benefits
With the tax filing deadline approaching, have you considered contributing to an Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA)? IRAs are one of the most...
Watch Out for These 2017 Tax Scams
Tax season is in full swing… and tax scams are everywhere. How can you can tell if a crook is claiming to be the I.R.S. in an effort to steal your...
The Many Benefits of a Roth IRA
Why do so many people choose it rather than a traditional IRA? The Roth IRA changed the whole retirement savings perspective. Since its...
Are You Insured?
Too many Americans have no life insurance. Their loved ones may pay dearly for that choice. According to a recent Bankrate survey, 42% of Americans...
April 18, 2017 Deadline for 2016 IRA Contributions
2016 may be over, but you can still make your 2016 IRA contribution! Your deadline is April 18, 2017.1 You can put up to $5,500 into your IRA for...
The Reasons for a Roth Solo 401(k)
Here is a way for a solopreneur to save much more for retirement. Self-employed? Seeking to ramp up your retirement savings? You should look at the...
Will There Be Fewer Retirement Planners in the Future?
A new fiduciary rule could potentially reduce the number of such advisors. Today, many people claim to offer retirement planning. In the near...
Avoid These 5 Estate Planning Errors
Don't drop the ball when planning your estate People work hard throughout their lives to provide for their families, but many make serious errors in...
Social Security: Myths vs. Facts
Dispelling some misperceptions about the program. Some myths & misperceptions keep circulating about Social Security. These are worth...
5 Ways Emotion Can Lead to Bad Financial Decisions
Have you ever purchased anything on the spur of the moment (such as a dress or pair of shoes) and when you got the item home, you realized you...
How Much Home Can You Afford?
That depends on a number of factors. Check on them to see if you are ready to buy. Does buying a home make sense for you financially? It may or may...
An Estate Planning Checklist
What to check (and double-check) before you leave this world. Create a will if you do not yet have one. A valid will may save your heirs from some...
Using an IRA Trust
What is it? What kind of benefit could it provide? Seemingly everyone has heard of an IRA, but few people know about IRA trusts. Perhaps more people...
Why Taking a Road Trip Can Be Good for Entrepreneurs
How Traveling More Can Help Hone The Skills Needed To Be A Successful Entrepreneur Road trips usually start with a bold and outlandish idea, which...
Surprising Characteristics of the Millionaires Next Door
The habits and values of wealthy Americans. Just how many millionaires does America have? By the latest estimation of Spectrem Group, a research...
Why Wealthy Families Practice Tax Loss Harvesting
How The Wealthy Harvest Losses For Gain As part of investing and advising and reviewing, family offices routinely look for ways to optimize their...
Is the Fiduciary Standard a Plus for Investors?
Will it make a difference in the quality of the advice they receive? In 2017, the Department of Labor is scheduled to introduce new rules regarding...
Your diagnosis is not good…” 5 things dentists should do when diagnosed with a disability
Your diagnosis is not good…” 5 things dentists should do when diagnosed with a disability No dentist wants to face a disability. But should the...