How To Lend Money To Friends And Family The Right Way
Getting hit up for a loan can make you feel like you’re stepping into a minefield. In today’s economy, it’s easy to understand how someone can find...
Which Pension Income Option is Right for Me?
Pensions are great things! Generally, a person has a variety of options to choose from for providing lifetime income, not only for themselves, but...
Should I Have Long-Term Care Insurance?
According to Some average costs for long-term care in the United States (in 2010) were: $205 per day or $6,235 per month for a...
Which Type of Life Insurance is Best for Me…Term or Permanent?
Depending on your individual needs, the answer can vary. In general, the focus should be on finding the right AMOUNT of insurance within your...
How Much Life Insurance Should I Have?
Art and science are part of answering this question for yourself. One method is to ask yourself “What do I WANT to happen if I die right now?”...
Do I Need Other Legal Documents Besides A Will?
Along with your will there are other documents you might consider adding to your planning. The two most common are Medical and Durable Powers of...
Do I Need a Will?
A quick internet search will bring up a long list of cases where someone died without a will leaving their family in turmoil. “But those articles...
How Much Should I Save as an Emergency Fund?
Also known as your “Unexpected Expenses Fund,” the emergency fund is an important part of your financial plan. The short answer is “anything is...
Is All Debt Bad?
Not really. Debt against an asset that could appreciate, for example, real estate, can be good debt to hold for a variety of reasons. Interest could...
Am I on the right track?
We’ve all heard the old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there!” So it is with financial planning. If we...
What is a financial plan?
A financial plan is the outcome of blending your needs wants, ideals, values, and dreams into a comprehensive product that outlines what needs to be...
What does “Safe” mean?
In the context of investing, “safe” has relative meaning depending on many factors. Primarily, “safe” means what is “safe” to you in your...
What is a fiduciary?
In the simplest terms, a fiduciary is a person who holds your best interest as his or her utmost responsibility. SDP has operated as fiduciaries...
How much should I expect to pay for Medicare?
Part A of Medicare has no direct premium cost to a participant, but it does have a $1,288 per admission deductible in 2016. Part B of Medicare has...
Is Medicare free?
Partly. Medicare has two parts. Part A does not cost anything out of pocket and it primarily covers in-patient hospital related expenses after a...
Will Social Security be there when I retire?
We would be joining the legions of speculators if we offered an opinion. It would be just that: an opinion. The best answer is to consider the...
When should I take Social Security?
As with any question of this sort, the answer is that it always depends. The answer always begins with whether you have to have the income...
Join Us For A Night At The Ball Field
University of Tennessee Baseball - Tennessee vs Florida Lindsey Nelson Stadium (Click Here For Directions) Friday, May 6, 2016 at 6:00pm. PLEASE...