Your Annual Financial To-Do List
Things you can do before & for 2017 What financial, business, or life priorities do you need to address for 2017? Now is a good time to think...
The Market in a Minute
2016 has been a turbulent year filled with one surprise after another. The latest surprise took the form of Donald Trump’s stunning upset win in the...
Why Would I Withdraw Early from my 401K Using an In-Service Withdrawal?
If you are 59½ there are several reasons to consider an in-service withdraw, and a few reasons to avoid it. A few reasons to possibly consider using...
Christmas Greetings From Slate Disharoon Parrish and Associates
Retirees Should Have Spending Plans
Without such strategies, they can risk going through their savings too fast. Every day, articles appear urging people to save for retirement. These...
Good Retirement Savings Habits Before Age 40
Some early financial behaviors that may promote a comfortable future. You know you should start saving for retirement before you turn 40. What can...
Mind Over Money
Emotion often drives our financial decisions, even when logic should. When we go to the grocery store, we seldom shop on logic alone. We may not...
Money Habits That May Help You Become Wealthier
Financially speaking, what do some households do right? Why do some households tread water financially while others make progress? Does it come down...
I’ve Been Laid Off: What’s My Plan?
Getting notice that you’re being laid off for any reason is never a comfortable thing. Some can take comfort if they “saw it coming” or were in the...
How Can You Make Your Retirement Money Last?
These spending and investing precepts may encourage its longevity. All retirees want their money to last a lifetime. There is no guarantee it will,...
Weigh the many options with long-term care insurance
It's important to understand all your options when it comes to buying long-term care insurance. With so many alternative plans being offered today,...
Helicopter Money
Should America consider this radical economic stimulus tactic? Imagine cash falling from the sky into the hands of grateful consumers. Fleets of...
One in Five Business Owners Makes This Big Money Mistake—Do You?
It’s a common mistake many owners make when they establish their businesses. Then they get busy, overwhelmed, or both, and they don’t fix it. What...
Getting Your Financial Paperwork in Good Order
Help make things easier for your loved ones when you leave this world. Who wants to leave this world with their financial affairs in good order? We...
IRS Announces 2017 Retirement Plans Contributions Limits For 401(k)s And More
The Treasury Department has announced inflation-adjusted figures for retirement account savings for 2017, and there are tweaks that help savers....
Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Insurance
Running a business comes with inherent risks: An employee could get injured on the job; a natural disaster could destroy property; or a client could...
When Is Social Security Income Taxable?
The answer depends on your income. Your Social Security income could be taxed. That may seem unfair, or unfathomable. Regardless of how you feel...
Why Should I Put My Home in a Living Trust?
Life is short. And while no one wants to focus on the end, forcing yourself to do so can ultimately makes things a bit easier for your loved...
You Risk a Ragged Retirement If You’re Counting On These Numbers
If you're relying blindly on hallowed personal finance averages—planning for 40 years of work, saving 15 percent of salary—you could be in for a...
How Can LTC Insurance Help You Protect Your Assets?
Plan to create a pool of healthcare dollars that you can use when the time comes. How will you pay for long-term care? At the moment, you may not be...
Volatility Is Not Risk
The two should not be confused. What is risk? To the conservative investor, risk is a negative. To the opportunistic investor, risk is a factor to...
How Will the Market Respond After the Election?
We may see some volatility, but equilibrium could quickly be restored. What will happen on Wall Street after November 8? We can shrug and say, “who...
7 Retirement Planning Steps Late Starters Must Make
Most Americans aren't saving enough for retirement — and worse, many are off to a late start. Since 2011, the annual percentage of U.S. workers with...
How Successful Couples Manage Their Money
Managing your own money can be hard enough, so throwing another person into the equation can make things downright chaotic, according to findings...
I’m divorced. Should I consider long-term care insurance?
If a person is near the age of fifty, and facing divorce, long-term care insurance becomes very important. Reaching the age of fifty alone is enough...
Long-Term Care Insurance Infographic
Compelling Argument For Long-term Care
Some of my clients have asked about protecting their assets in case of a nursing home stay or long term care scenario. They wonder if they need Long...
Just Do It: Quick Steps To Improving Your Finances
There are very few things that people delay more than taking steps to improve their finances. It’s cliché, but I frequently compare getting...
Fall Financial Reminders
Here are some important things to note as the year comes to a close. As every calendar year ends, the window slowly closes on some notable financial...
What Expenses Could Change When You Retire?
Some costs could rise, fall or even disappear. Your retirement may seem near at hand or far away, but one thing is certain: your future will differ...