by SDP Team | Dec 25, 2017 | Financial Planning
Just a few days ago Brenda told me about picking up Miles, my youngest grandson, age 4, at preschool. They have to pull up to the “loading zone” and get the child in the car and buckle the seatbelt before leaving. Miles was looking at something he had brought to the...
by SDP Team | Oct 16, 2017 | Financial Planning
When envisioning your golden years, you likely have a long list of goals you’d like to achieve, from crossing destinations off your travel list to re-discovering your love of woodworking or photography. When you’ve saved for retirement with such ambitions in mind, you...
by SDP Team | Aug 31, 2017 | Financial Planning
There are few things more professionally satisfying to a financial coach than embracing an opportunity to guide others to and through an “aha moment.” You know, those enlightening times when you finally realize a solution to a problem that can ultimately be life...
by SDP Team | Aug 4, 2017 | Financial Planning
Looking forward to retirement? Here are a few goals to hit first. Retirement is a period to look forward to for a countless number of working Americans, but it can be a financially stressful time, as well. No matter when you choose to retire, here are a few...
by SDP Team | Jul 14, 2017 | Financial Planning
Dementia is formally defined as “a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.” Dementia is also referred to a variety of other terms, some accurate,...
by SDP Team | Jul 4, 2017 | Financial Planning
Your 40s might be the most important decade when it comes to preparing for retirement. For one, you’ve likely hit your peak earning years, with several studies showing pay tends to level off for most people around age 40. If you’ve been waiting for a big income bump...