Countdown to College

Countdown to College

As a parent, you of course want to give your child the best opportunity for success, and for many, attending the “right” university or college is that opportunity. Unfortunately, being accepted to the college of one’s choice may not be as easy as it...
Critical Estate Documents

Critical Estate Documents

  Joint Ownership Durable Power of Attorney Living Trust What does it do? Enables you to own property jointly with another person Authorizes someone to handle legal and financial decisions if you become incapacitated Holds your belongings until your death Can it...
Debt Stress

Debt Stress

The average American owes $59,580 in debt. Of that $59,580, $41,830 is from mortgage debt, $5,640 is from student loans, and $5,470 is from auto loans. Little wonder that money worries can be a major cause of stress.1 The Link Between Stress and Health Humans have an...
Five Most Overlooked Tax Deductions

Five Most Overlooked Tax Deductions

Who among us wants to pay the IRS more taxes than we have to? While few may raise their hands, Americans regularly overpay because they fail to take tax deductions for which they are eligible. Let’s take a quick look at the five most overlooked opportunities to manage...