by SDP Team | Jan 8, 2018 | long-term care insurance
Are they worthwhile alternatives to traditional LTC policies? The price of long-term care insurance has really gone up. If you are a baby boomer and you have kept your eye on it for a few years, chances are you have noticed this. Last year, the American Association...
by SDP Team | Jan 8, 2018 | long-term care insurance
You might not want to think about how you’d pay for an assisted living facility or nursing home stay when you’re only in your 50s. After all, the days when you might need long-term care still seem far away. But your 50s are actually the ideal time to start...
by SDP Team | Apr 14, 2017 | long-term care insurance
As conventional LTC policies grow costlier, alternatives have emerged. The price of long-term care insurance is really going up. If you are a baby boomer and you have kept your eye on it for a few years, chances are you have noticed much costlier premiums for LTC...
by SDP Team | Mar 27, 2017 | Risk Management
Plan to create a pool of healthcare dollars that you can use when the time comes. How will you pay for long-term care? At the moment, you may not be able to answer that question – but long-term care insurance can provide an answer for you. Why are baby boomers opting...
by SDP Team | Feb 22, 2017 | Risk Management
What you and your loved ones need to know. At some point, someone you love may make the transition from living at home to residing at an assisted-living facility or nursing home. When should that transition occur, and what factors must be considered along the way? And...