by SDP Team | Dec 21, 2016 | 401(k)
Some early financial behaviors that may promote a comfortable future. You know you should start saving for retirement before you turn 40. What can you start doing today to make that effort more productive, to improve your chances of ending up with more retirement...
by SDP Team | Dec 19, 2016 | Financial Planning
Emotion often drives our financial decisions, even when logic should. When we go to the grocery store, we seldom shop on logic alone. We may not even buy on price. We buy one type of yogurt over another because of brand loyalty, or because one brand has more appealing...
by SDP Team | Dec 16, 2016 | Financial Planning
Financially speaking, what do some households do right? Why do some households tread water financially while others make progress? Does it come down to habits? Sometimes the difference starts there. A household that prioritizes paying itself first may end up in much...
by SDP Team | Dec 9, 2016 | Financial Planning
Should America consider this radical economic stimulus tactic? Imagine cash falling from the sky into the hands of grateful consumers. Fleets of helicopters hover over cities, dispensing massive flurries of $100 bills. Everyone gets their fair share of the money....
by SDP Team | Dec 2, 2016 | IRA
The Treasury Department has announced inflation-adjusted figures for retirement account savings for 2017, and there are tweaks that help savers. Much stays the same, but there are increases in income phase-outs for IRA contributors, to the adjusted gross income limits...