Mind Over Money

Mind Over Money

Emotion often drives our financial decisions, even when logic should. When we go to the grocery store, we seldom shop on logic alone. We may not even buy on price. We buy one type of yogurt over another because of brand loyalty, or because one brand has more appealing...
How Can You Make Your Retirement Money Last?

How Can You Make Your Retirement Money Last?

These spending and investing precepts may encourage its longevity. All retirees want their money to last a lifetime. There is no guarantee it will, but, in pursuit of that goal, households may want to adopt a couple of spending and investing precepts. One precept:...
Helicopter Money

Helicopter Money

Should America consider this radical economic stimulus tactic? Imagine cash falling from the sky into the hands of grateful consumers. Fleets of helicopters hover over cities, dispensing massive flurries of $100 bills. Everyone gets their fair share of the money....
Volatility Is Not Risk

Volatility Is Not Risk

The two should not be confused. What is risk? To the conservative investor, risk is a negative. To the opportunistic investor, risk is a factor to tolerate and accept. Whatever the perception of risk, it should not be confused with volatility. That confusion occurs...