These jobs that have low startup costs and are part-time are perfect for the young business person getting started.

Entrepreneurship is about finding cost-efficient solutions to problems that may get in the way of your success. Rather than being a career, those who call themselves entrepreneurs follow a certain lifestyle that revolves around finding new business ventures. As a young, eager entrepreneur, it’s no surprise you’re often motivated to make more money and put in extra work.

There are numerous low-cost side jobs you can do with your current skill set that can help you reel in more cash as long as you put in the work. To help you out, I’ve put together a list of 10 business ideas that young entrepreneurs could pursue in their free time.


As an entrepreneur, you probably have a lot of knowledge about a particular field or sector. You can become a freelance consultant and advise companies that can benefit from your expertise. From marketing to human resources, sales, and even resource management, all of these skills can help you make good money by consulting.

You should be careful and make sure there aren’t any license requirements in your area, and if you’re working online, make sure you maintain a professional tone and good grammar throughout your communications.

App Creation

In a nutshell, companies of all sizes are turning to apps because they can help to ensure efficient and effective communication with customers. Apps can also help consumers carry out different tasks, such as updating information on their profile, processing orders, and receiving information about products without the need for assistance from another human.

Stock Exchange

Similarly to building apps, the stock exchange has always been regarded as a specialized field that was only accessible by invitation. Thanks to the development of mobile devices and widespread of technology, you can become a stock trader from the comforts of your home.

Unless you’re an expert in finances, you’ll have to read and learn about the ins-and-outs of the stock market. You can always start trading in low-stakes markets to get familiarized with the industry and build a name for yourself, eventually moving into high-stake markets that generate more profits.


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